Cavalor Ice Clay
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Cavalor® Ice Clay is a clay that is mainly applied to the legs, to relax overworked muscles and tendons and to avoid swelling. WHY CLAY? Clay is mainly popular in eventing but there is a use for it in every discipline. We demand the utmost from our horses during gallop training, cross country, or any training on hard ground. The day after, their legs can be sore or swollen. Compared to a gel, clay works for a longer period of time – it remains active as long as it is moist. Clay also has a more constant temperature, providing a longer cooling and a naturally purifying effect. This is why we advise to use a clay after heavy effort. The ingredients in the clay relax muscles and tendons and speed up the weary legs’ recovery. Clay can be used in several different ways – see the directions for use on this page. The clay will remain active as long as it is moist. This ensures nice and dry legs the day after by applying counter pressure to the legs. CAVALOR® ICE CLAY, MORE THAN JUST A CLAY Cavalor® Ice Clay is mainly made up of kaolin. This clay is naturally rich in minerals and has a large absorbing capacity and purifying effect; it extracts superfluous joint fluid from the jumping joint and remaining joints and tendons. The salt contents in Cavalor® Ice Clay provide stimulation for the blood flow and allows the muscles to relax. Essential oils extracted from Arnica, Rosemary and other ingredients enhance this effect and relieve pain with their proven anti-inflammatory effect.
Apply a thick layer of Cavalor® Ice Clay to legs and tendons after heavy work to cool them off. Let Cavalor® Ice Clay dry completely for a fast cooldown.
Afterwards the product can be removed with a firm brush or be rinsed off with cold water.
Apply a layer of wet paper on top of the Cavalor® Ice Clay to slow down the cooling process. Also wrap a bandage around the paper.
This slower cooling down will have a warming effect; the so-called “warm and wet compress” effect. Cavalor® Ice Clay can also be used to treat swollen legs.
Caution: for external use only.
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