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Promectin Plus Worming Paste for Horses

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One tube treats up to 600kg of body weight.

Promectin Plus will give effective treatment against internal horse parasites within 24 hours. It contains a broad spectrum combined horse worming preparation Abamectin & Praziquantel (like EQUIMAX).


The effectiveness of Promectin Plus is due to the combination of 3.7mg/g Abamectin and 46.2mg/g of Praziquantel. Abamectin eliminates all common horse worms and bots. Praziquantel is an unparalleled agent in eradicating tapeworms. Combined, they produce a deadly formula for horse parasites.

Promectin Plus has been specially formulated with oatmeal to make it more palatable for your horse, and to reduce wastage when applying. With a recommended dose of 5.4g per 100kg, only one syringe is needed to treat a 600kg horse.

Recommended retreatment interval is 6 – 8 weeks

Promectin Plus controls the following parasites:

Tapeworms: Anoplocephala perfoliata, Anoplocephala magna, Paranoplocephala mammillana (adult & immature, head & segments)
Large Strongyles: Strongylus vulgaris (adults & arterial larval stages), Strongylus edentatus (adults & tissue stages), Strongylus equinus (adults) and Tridontophorus spp (adults)
Small Strongyles: including benzimadole resistant strains (adult & immature), Cyathostomum spp, Cylicocyclus spp, Cylicostephanus spp, Cylicodontophorus spp, Gyalocephalus spp.
Pinworms: Oxyuris equi (adult & immature)
Ascarids: Parascaris equorum (adult & immature)
Hairworms: Trichostrongylus axei (adult)
Large Mouth Stomach Worms: Habronema muscae (adult)
Neck Threadworms: Onchocerca spp (microfilariae)
Bots: Gasterophilus spp (oral & gastric stages)
Lungworms: Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (adult & immature)
Intestinal Threadworms: Strongyloides westeri (adult)
Promectin Plus is also effective for control of skin lesions caused by Habronema and Draschia spp cutaneous larvae (summer sores) and Onchocerca spp microfilariae (cutaneous onchocerciasis)

All horses should be included in a regular parasite control programme, with particular attention paid to mares, foals and yearlings. Because reinfection is common, treatment must be repeated routinely for effective control. Consult your veterinarian for a control programme to specifically meet your needs.


Promectin Plus is totally safe for use on foals, pregnant mares and breeding stallions when used as recommended.
Promectin Plus has a wide safety margin. Up to five times the recommended dose rate in adult horses produces no adverse reaction.


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